Senin, 26 September 2011

Vice Chairman of the House: KPK So Sporadic

Vice Chairman of the House Priyo Budi Santoso told the Corruption Eradication Commission warned to be careful to use its authority in investigating cases of alleged corruption. This statement is still relevant leaders calling the House Budget Board by the KPK.

"With all its authority, the Commission was right to call anyone. But please, too, there is an element of prudence," said Priyo Budi Santoso at the capitol, Jakarta, Friday, September 23, 2011.

KPK summons to the leadership of the Budget Agency, said the shocking, should apply equally to the government. Moreover, calls to the Agency Budget Commission yesterday in essence just want to ask you the ins and outs of the budget approval.

"Do not be impressed and then all became quiet. So KPK sporadic calls all of these problems," said Priyo who is also Golkar politician. So if you are seriously considering cases of alleged corruption Manpower, according to shocking, the KPK should also call the government.

Priyo Banggar acknowledge the desire to restore the mandate to the leadership of the House emerged as annoyed with the tests related to the case of Manpower Commission. Priyo see Budget Agency have felt uncomfortable on the Commission calls yesterday.

Discomfort was due more to the essence of the KPK investigation budget policy. "Why why then they like to blame, all the finger was on the leadership and members of the Budget Agency. That's what makes uncomfortable," said Priyo.

KPK leaders called four House Budget Board regarding the case alleged bribery in the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration. But the Budget Agency complained examination because KPK not focus on any indications of corruption, but the policy-making process undertaken by the Budget Agency.

"Back when Century case, the KPK was the one who went to the minister for questioning about the policy-making mechanism Century. So why did not the Commission now also coming to the House of Representatives," protested Banggar Chairman, Marcus Melchias Mekeng.

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