Senin, 26 September 2011

Priyo: Banggar No Boycott, Just Beyond Mandate

Vice Chairman of the House of Representatives of the Golkar faction, Priyo Budi Santoso said, Banggar not boycott discussion draft budget 2012.

"I wanted to straighten out, preaching as if there were leaders discuss the state budget Banggar boycott of 2012, it is not true," said Priyo in the House of Representatives, Jakarta, Friday, September 23, 2011.

The truth is, according to shocking, Banggar just send a letter to return the mandate to the leadership of the House budget discussion. "They sent a letter to House leaders on the basis of an internal meeting that was signed by leaders Banggar Banggar to us. The point is they intend to return the mandate to Banggar tasks assigned to the House leadership," said Priyo.

Letter from Banggar, further shocking, also pleaded with the House leadership to make the settlement efforts and serious talks with law enforcement tools such as the Police, the Attorney General and the Commission.

Against this problem, Priyo said last night he had mendiskusikanya with other House leaders, namely Pramono Anung and Anis Matta. In essence, the petition Banggar will be discussed in the leadership meeting next week.

"So later inshallah Banggar letter from the leadership will think rapimkan first and we plan next week, hopefully no later than Tuesday to Thursday we can already hold a meeting Chief of Police, Attorney General, and the KPK," said Priyo.

Discourse of post-strike Banggar examination of four prominent leaders by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). They are, Chairman of the Budget Melchias Marcus Mekeng of Golkar faction, and the three Vice-Chairman of the Budget Mirwan Amir (Democratic Faction), Olly Dondokambey (PDI-P faction), and Tamsil Linrung (PKS Faction).

2012 Draft State Plan discusses the strike is delivered Banggar through a letter sent to House leaders. Letter No. 118 was received by Deputy Speaker of the House, Pramono Anung.

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