Senin, 26 September 2011

Call Question Parliament Banggar by KPK

Vice Chairman of the House Pramono Anung question the reason for calling the Corruption Eradication Commission Budget Agency in institutional leadership. He said the House would need to address it specifically.

"Because it comes to institutional, in the near future of course the House leadership will do specifically meeting with faction leaders," said Pramod in the House of Representatives, Wednesday, September 21, 2011. "It's about institutional pride," he added.

Pram affirmed, a special attitude was not to protect when there are errors on the leadership Banggar. "But this is about institutions, then these institutions need to be attention. It should be protected also because these institutions are elected by the people," he said.

Former Secretary-General describes the Democratic Party of Struggle, led Banggar appropriate statutory duty. Therefore, if the institutional leaders who are called together needs to be addressed specifically by the House.

"But if related to the policy, the call should be a natural person, not a leader Banggar institutionally," he said.

According to him, there are fundamental differences in calling on the leaders Banggar institutionally with the calling individual. According to him, this shows there is something extraordinary in Banggar.

"That there are practices that say close to corruption. I am as a leader can not close my eyes that people are paying attention," he said.

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